'Oku faingofua hono vahevahe 'o e ngaahi veesi 'o e Tohi Tapu mo ha me'a lomi 'oku lahi hono fakamatala.
'Oku 'oatu e fakamatala fakamuimuitaha ki he veesi Tapu 'o makatu'unga 'i ho'o settings.
Faingofua hono liliu 'a e tu'o lahi 'o e fanongonongo 'i he ngaahi veesi 'o e Tohi Tapu.
Veesi Folofola Faka’aho!
'Ofa ke tapuaki'i kimoua 'e he 'Otua!
The quick navigation is made possible with a local database.
Clear and large text for all Bible Verses.
Sharing of Bible Verses is made easily with a large Share button.
Bible Verse are updated based on your settings. Change Settings whenever you like.
Notifications can be turned on or off.
Easily customize the frequency of Bible verse notifications.
Don't forget how encouraging it can be to get a Bible Verse from a friend! Share them!
God Bless and please give a nice review of you like the app!
Tongan is not available as language in Google Play, that's why there is Tongan and English mixed in the listing.